Last Updated on March 22, 2022 by Mary
Today I have made a list of 18 Best Fun Games for Office Christmas Party that you can play with a big or small group of employees, colleagues, and coworkers. These games are gender-neutral and you can also play these games at other adult get-togethers that you are organizing for Christmas.

1. Say Cheese
Set up a Christmas-themed backdrop and provide the guests with fun props. You can get free printable props from this site or you can buy ready-to-use props. Take some fun and memorable pictures with your co-workers.
2. Balloon Volleyball
This game is perfect for large groups and it can be played in a big hall or room. Divide the participants into teams and imagine a net in the middle of the room. They should play the game just like regular Volleyball but they will use a balloon. When the balloon hits the other side of the imaginary net, your team will win a point.
3. Christmas Charades
Divide the coworkers into two teams and the team will have to guess the Christmas Charade that the team member is acting out. You can get the printable charade cards here.
4. What’s in the Bag?
Take a cloth bag, stocking, or Santa’s hat and fill it up with some office-related and holiday-related small items like a stapler, an ornament, a candy cane, etc. and close it at the top by using a ribbon. Pass it to all the employees and they have to touch and guess that what is inside. They can write down their guesses on a piece of paper. The person with the most correct guesses will win. You can download some festive Christmas stationery for this game here.
5. Musical Chairs

This is a classic game that is suitable for all age groups and any event. Give it a try at your office party this year. You will obviously play some Christmas songs for this game.
6. Toilet Paper Snowman
Divide the players into teams of two. Give one player the toilet paper rolls and ask them to wrap them on their partner from head to toe to turn them into a snowman. The person who wraps their partner the quickest but finest will win.
7. Ugly Christmas Sweater Contest
This is a classic game that can never go old. Ask the employees to wear the ugliest sweater to the Christmas party. The organizers can then decide the winner with the ugliest possible sweater.
8. Secret Santa Gift Exchange
This is another idea that is very popular and never grows old. Two weeks prior to the party, ask the people if they want to participate. Write down names and put those in a jar. Ask the employees to draw one name from the jar and bring a gift for that person on the day of the office party. You can also set up an amount like 25$ for the gift.
9. Coworker Christmas Tree
Divide the players into teams of two and ask one person to decorate the other person with ornaments and ribbons the same way they will decorate a Christmas tree. The person who has decorated the other person in the most aesthetically pleasing or funny way will win.
10. Christmas movie Emoji Quiz
Print this game according to the number of participants prior to the Christmas party. At the party, distribute the printed sheets among the players and also give them a pen to write down their answers. The employees will have to guess the name of the Christmas movie with the help of the emoji clues. The person with the most correct answers wins.
11. Truth or Dare
This classic game can never grow outdated. This game is perfect for a small group of employees who have been working together for a long period of time. They should just sit in a circle and choose one participant and ask them if they choose truth or dare and the rest of the players will decide the question or tell the dare. Each player will take turns for this fun game.
12. Christmas Potluck
Who doesn’t want good food at a party? Just a few days prior to the party, ask the employees to choose if they want to bring a sweet dish or a savory one. The person with the most finger-licking dish will be the winner and will get a small prize.
13. Christmas Trivia
Take printouts of this Trivia quiz and distribute the printed sheets among the players. The person with the most correct answers wins.
14. Christmas memory game
Show a slideshow of different Christmas-related items to the participants on the office presentation screen or show them different Christmas-related items in a tray. Take the tray away and ask them to write down the names of as many items as they remember.
15. Whose picture is this?
Ask the coworkers to bring a photograph of themselves from a holiday from their childhood. You have to number each picture and hang those on a string. Now all the employees will have to guess that whose holiday childhood picture those are. The person with the most correct guesses wins.
16. Talent Hunt
The participants will get a chance to showcase their talents like they can sing a song, make a poem on spot on the topic given by the rest of the group, recite Shakespeare or perform a dramatic scene based on the audience’s suggestion. They can be serious or goofy and silly as per their choice. A team of judges or the applause by the audience will decide the best performer.
17. Throw a Smile
Ask all the players to sit in a circle. Choose one person who should start smiling and then wipe off their smile and throw it at some other person who should start smiling. This is a fun way to take pictures and also to break the ice.
18. Shadow Play
This is a form of charades. Divide the players into two teams. Hang a thin white curtain and light up a lamp behind it so the shadow of the person behind that is visible to the audience. Participants from each team will have to mime and act and their teammates will have to guess. They can also mimic some fellow employee or boss to make it more entertaining.