Last Updated on June 7, 2024 by Mary
The Christmas season is to unwind and spend quality time with your loved ones. What else can be better than some fun-filled Christmas games for this purpose? I am sharing 25 Best Christmas Games for Kids and Adults on this page. All these games are easy to set up and these can be played using easily available household stuff. I am sharing games that are suitable for all age groups. Some of these games are perfect for small groups while others can be played by large groups of people.
I am sharing detailed instructions for playing these games along with needed supplies and the age groups that can play these games. Most of these games are funny and hilarious and will surely make your Christmas filled with happy memories and laughter.

25 Best Christmas Games for Kids and Adults
The games I am sharing below are
- Christmas Fancy Dress
- Naughty and Nice (Christmas Balloon Pop Game)
- Feather Race
- Suck the Candy
- Stuff the Stocking
- Ho Ho Ho Contest
- I love my Christmas Pajamas, Christmas Pajama Race Game
- Wastepaper Basketball
- Find the Identical Twin (Christmas Treasure Hunt Game)
- Christmas Shadow Play
- Christmas Candy Hunt Game
- Pick Me Candy, A fun Christmas Game for Kids and Adults
- The Crisp Challenge Game
- Musical Hats (A game like musical chairs with a funny twist)
- Stocking Fishing
- Guess the Christmas Smell
- 20 Questions Christmas Game
- Bulls Eye
- Pop a Prize (A Christmas Balloon Pop Game)
- Eat your cake
- Make a Christmas Poem
- Smile a prize
- Blindfolded Makeup
- Guess How Many
- Whose Nose?
1. Christmas Fancy Dress

Supplies Needed
- One red and one green glazed paper sheet. You can also use newspapers or wrapping papers
- Scissors
- Glue sticks, double-sided tapes, and other adhesives
- Safety pins
Number of Players: Any number
Type of Game: Creative Game
Who can Play: Older kids and adults however they can use younger children as models
Where can it be Played: Indoors
How to Play:
This is a creative game that older kids can especially enjoy. Give players 10 minutes to cut the paper and design a dress. They can cut different patterns and glue them over the paper dress with glue sticks or double-sided tape. Then they have to pin their dress over the clothes they are wearing and model it for everyone. The person who creates the best dress wins. They can also use younger kids as their models.
2. Naughty and Nice (Christmas Balloon Pop Game)

Supplies Needed: Inflated Balloons
Number of Players: Any even number
Type of Game: Active Game
Who can Play: Older kids and Active adults
Where can it be played? Any large area would do whether that is indoors or outdoors
How to Play:
To play this game divide the players into two teams and name one team Naughty and the others will be obviously called Nice. Give an inflated balloon to the team ‘Nice’ and their job is to keep the balloon air-borne as long as possible while the players of the team ‘Naughty’ will try to burst the balloon. However, they cannot use sharp or pointed objects to achieve the objective. They obviously cannot hurt or push other players. When one balloon bursts, just reverse the rolls of the teams and give them a new balloon.
3. Feather Race

Supplies Needed: A book and a feather for each player
Number of Players: Any number
Type of Game: Active Game
Who can Play: Anyone
Where can it be played? Indoors
How to Play:
First of all, you have to set up a start line and finish line. Give each player a notebook and place a feather on it. Ask the players to reach the finish line but the catch is that their feathers should remain on their books. They are not allowed to touch the feathers. If a player runs too fast the feather will fall. If the feather falls to the ground they have to start again from the starting point. The player who reaches the finish line first wins.
Tip:You can use small 1×2 inch pieces of tissue paper as well if feathers are unavailable
4. Suck the Candy

Supplies Needed:
- A bowl full of M&Ms, Smarties, or other small candies
- Straws for each player
- A cup for each player
Number of Players: Any number
Type of Game: Challenge Game, Minute to Win It Game
Who can Play: Anyone
Where can it be played? Indoors
How to Play:
First, allocate a time limit. 30- seconds or 1 minute for each player is fine for this game. Then place the bowl of candies and the player’s cup on the table. Each player has to suck one candy with the straw and release it in their cup. The player who gathers the most candies within the allocated time wins.
5. Stuff the Stocking

Supplies Needed:
- A bowl full of candies
- Spoons
- Stockings
Number of Players: Any even number
Type of Game: Active Game, Minute To Win It Game
Where can it be played? Indoors
Who can Play: Anyone
How to Play:
Allocate a time limit of one minute for this game. Divide the players into groups of two members each. Now place the bowl of candies at one side of the room. One partner of each team should sit on the opposite end of the room holding a stocking. The active member should fill a spoon of candies, and run across the room to their partner and fill their stocking with candies. The team that gets the most candies in their stocking within the allocated time wins a prize.
6. Ho Ho Ho Contest
Supplies Needed: None
Number of Players: Any above 2
Type of Game: Hilarious Game
Where can it be played? Indoors
Who can Play: Anyone
How to Play:
This is a very simple, straight forward yet hilarious game. The players take turns saying ho ho ho in one breath. The person who says the most number of ‘ho’ in one breath wins.
7. I love my Christmas Pajamas, Christmas Pajama Race Game

Supplies Needed: Christmas Pajamas will be good otherwise players can hold their ankle
Number of Players: Any above 2
Type of Game: Active Game
Where can it be played? Indoors or Outdoors
Who can Play: Kids and Active Adults
How to Play:
This is a fun game and the best time to play this game is when everyone is wearing their Christmas Pajamas but if not it is all ok. The players have to bend and hold the leg opening of the pajama near their ankle with one hand while running from start to finish line. If they trip or fall, they have to return to start and begin all over again. If they are not wearing Pajamas, pants, or leggings, they can hold their ankle instead. The player who reaches the finish line first wins.
8. Wastepaper Basketball

Supplies Needed:
- A wastepaper basket
- Old newspapers
Number of Players: Any above 2
Type of Game: Active Game
Where can it be played? Indoors
Who can Play: Anyone
How to Play:
This is a very easy-to-manage game and you can play with your family and friends just to spend time in a fun way. All you do is place a wastepaper basket next to a wall in a room. Ask the players to make paper balls out of old newspaper by scrunching it up. The players stand at a distance of around 9 feet from the basket and try to throw their balls in the basket. The player who misses gets eliminated. Those who succeed move to the next level. Keep increasing the distance by 3 feet at every level till only one person is left. He or she will be the winner obviously.
9. Find the Identical Twin (Christmas Treasure Hunt Game)

Supplies Needed: New pairs of Christmas socks, each should be different in design than the other
Number of Players: Any above 2
Type of Game: Challenge Game
Where can it be played? Indoors and even outdoors in a garden
Who can Play: Anyone
How to Play:
Before your Christmas party hide one sock of the pair at various places around the house. When the game starts, give each player the remaining sock and tell them to find its identical twin.
Tip: You shouldn’t hide the socks at some very hard-to-find places. Also, you can set a time limit for this game.
10. Christmas Shadow Play
Supplies Needed:
- A large White Sheet
- A lamp
Number of Players: A big group divided into teams
Type of Game: Challenge Game
Where can it be played? Indoors in a semi-dark room
Who can Play: Older kids and Adults
How to Play:
Divide the players into teams. Now hang the white sheet a few feet away from the wall and place a lamp at the back so if someone stands in front of the sheet he or she casts a clear shadow. If you cannot hang the sheet you can ask two volunteers to hold it during the course of the game. Now two players from each team go behind the sheet and mime a carol, movie, or any other thing in the shadows. Their team will have to guess their act and the team with maximum points wins. You can also get help from these Christmas Charade Cards or can make your own cards for this game.
11. Christmas Candy Hunt Game
Supplies Needed:
- A big bag of small candies
- Small objects like buttons, chickpeas, charms, etc.
- Blindfolds
- A cup for each player
Number of Players: Any above 2
Type of Game: Challenge Game, Minute To Win It Game
Where can it be played? Indoors
Who can Play: Anyone
How to Play:
Take a large number of small candies such as M&Ms, Smarties, or small fruit drops and mix clean buttons, chickpeas, charms, etc. among them. Scatter the mixture in a tray. Now blindfold each player and give each of them a cup. Set the timer to 1 minute or two minutes and ask the players to collect as many candies in their cups as they can. They can touch and feel the candy before putting it in the cup. The player with the most candies wins.
12. Pick Me Candy, A fun Christmas Game for Kids and Adults

Supplies Needed:
- Oven mitts
- A bowl of small candies mixed with chickpeas and other small objects
- A Cup for each player
Number of Players: Any above two
Type of Game: Challenge Game
Where can it be played? Indoors
Who can Play: Anyone
How to Play:
This game is similar to the game above but the challenge is different. Each player takes turns and the challenge is to put candies out of the mixture into their cup while wearing oven mitts. Moreover, they cannot put more than one candy at a time. Each player gets one minute to do the task and the player who fills the bottle with the most candies wins.
13. The Crisp Challenge Game

Supplies Needed: Crisps in different Flavors
Number of Players: Any above two
Type of Game: Food Game, Challenge Game
Where can it be played? Indoors
Who can Play: Anyone
How to Play:
Put different flavors of crisps in numbered containers and note down the flavors in your notebook. The players take one crisp from each bowl and guess the flavor. The player with the most correct guesses wins.
Tip: You can download fun Christmas stationery to play this game from
14. Musical Hats (A game like musical chairs with a funny twist)

Supplies Needed: Different hats like Santa’s hat, an elf’s hat, a floral bonnet
Number of Players: One player more than the number of hats
Type of Game: Music Game, Hilarious Game
Where can it be played? Indoors
Who can Play: Kids and Active Adults
How to Play:
Place all the hats on a table and players stand around it. Start playing the music and then stop it suddenly. Each player has to grab a hat and wear it immediately. The person left without the hat is eliminated. You can ask the players to take a selfie wearing the hat as well. Keep reducing the number of hats in each round and the player who gets the last hat wins.
15. Stocking Fishing
Supplies Needed:
- Christmas stockings
- Some assorted small items such as hairpins, coins, safety pins, rubber bands, buttons, uncooked beans, etc. The more items the better.
Number of Players: Any above two
Type of Game: Challenge Game
Where can it be played? Indoors
Who can Play: Anyone
How to Play:
Put various identical small items in each stocking and give one stocking to each player. Now they should hold the socks in their left hand and can touch the item inside only with their right hand. Keep announcing the names of the items one by one but if one person takes out the item first, the others cannot take out the same item from their stocking even if they have found it already or they are half way through. Announce all the items and the player who takes out most items after all rounds wins.
16. Guess the Christmas Smell, A sweet smelling Christmas Game

Supplies Needed:
- Different nice-smelling items in numbered containers like peppermint candy, pine needles, chocolate, cinnamon, gingerbreads, nutmeg, pumpkin pie, etc.
- Blindfolds
Number of Players: Any above two
Type of Game: Guessing Game
Where can it be played? Indoors
Who can Play: Anyone
How to Play:
Put different sweet-smelling items in small containers. The blindfolded players take turns smelling each item and guessing the name. The player with the most correct names wins.
17. 20 Questions Christmas Game

Supplies Needed: Different Christmas-related objects like a Santa hat, ornament, Christmas gift, glass of eggnog, etc.
Number of Players: Any above two
Type of Game: Challenge Game
Where can it be played? Indoors
Who can Play: Anyone
How to Play:
Hide a Christmas item behind your back and the players can ask 20 yes or no questions to identify that object. The player who guesses the object correctly wins.
18. Bulls Eye
Supplies Needed:
- A large piece of paper with a three-circle target drawn on it. The center will say 50, the outer 20, and the outermost circle is 10
- Blindfolds
Number of Players: Any above two
Type of Game: Challenge Game, Hilarious Game
Where can it be played? Indoors
Who can Play: Anyone
How to Play:
Hang the target on the wall, now players take turns. First, blindfold a player and make them stand 9 feet away from the wall. Now they should walk straight with their arm stretched and place their hand on the target. They are not allowed to feel and move their hands once they touch the target. Mark their scores but trust me that most of the players will be way off the target. You can increase the distance to make it more challenging.
19. Pop a Prize (A Christmas Balloon Pop Game)
Supplies Needed:
- Balloons
- Pieces of paper with the words “prize” or “sorry” written on each
Number of Players: Any
Type of Game: Active Game
Where can it be played? Indoors or Outdoors
Who Can Play: Older Kids and Adults
How to Play:
Write down “You have won a prize” or just “Prize” or “Sorry” on small pieces of paper. When you are inflating the balloons, slide one piece of paper inside each balloon. At your Christmas gathering release all the balloons and the players have to pop them to see what is inside. Anyone who has a prize message inside gets a small prize.
20. Eat your cake
Supplies Needed: A creamy slice of cake for each player
Number of Players: Any
Type of Game: Food Game, Hilarious Game
Where can it be played? Indoors
Who can Play: Anyone
How to Play:
Put pieces of cake on separate plates for each player, and add extra cream to the cake if you want. Each player puts their hand behind their back and eats their piece of cake only with their mouth. Set the time to two minutes. The player who has eaten most portion of the cake wins a prize.
Tip: Give them a fork to finish their cake once the game is over and they have cleaned their faces.
21. Make a Christmas Poem
Supplies Needed: Pens and papers for all players
Who can play: Older children and adults
Number of Players: Any
Type of Game: Creative Game, Hilarious Game
Where can it be played? Indoors
Who Can Play: Older Kids and Adults
How to Play:
Divide the players into pairs or teams and give them 4 really odd words like drain, plug, stitching, pickle relish, etc. They have to make a rhyming poem about Christmas but they have to incorporate all 4 words in the poem.
22. Smile a prize

Supplies Needed: A ruler
Who can play: Anyone
Number of Players: Any
Type of Game: Funny Game
Where can it be played? Anywhere
Who can Play: Anyone
How to Play:
Each player gives their widest smile that is measured with a ruler. The person with the biggest smile wins.
23. Blindfolded Makeup
Supplies Needed: One or two makeup boxes (teams can take turns using makeup)
Number of Players: Any even number
Type of Game: Hilarious Game, Minute To Win It Game
Where can it be played? Indoors
Who can Play: Anyone
How to Play:
Divide the players into pairs of two. One blindfolded player has to put makeup on their partner’s face within 1 minute. The team with the best makeup wins.
24. Guess How Many

Supplies Needed:
- A pen and paper for each player
- Different items like a Christmas tree with ornaments on it, a jar of candies, a book, a string, someone’s childhood photo
Who can play: Older children and adults
Number of Players: Any number
Type of Game: Guessing Game
Where can it be played? Indoors
How to Play:
Gather different items in the room and give each player a pen and paper. Now name each item one by one and ask players to guess the quantity, number, age weight, etc.
For example how many ornaments are on the Christmas tree? How many candies are in the jar? How many pages are in the book? What is the length of the string? How old is the person in the childhood photo? The player whose guesses are the closest wins. You can choose all or either of these items for this game. You can get a similar printable game here.
25. Whose Nose? Hilarious Christmas Game

Supplies Needed:
- A big sheet of paper or fabric with a small hole cut in it, it should be big enough to cover the entire door
- A pen and paper for half of the players
Number of Players: Any number that can be divided into two groups
Type of Game: Hilarious Game
Where can it be played? Indoors
Who can play: Anyone
How to Play:
This game is more suitable for close families or people who know each other well. Cut a small hole in an old bedsheet or a big cardboard sheet. Now players are divided into two groups, one group will be behind the sheet and one group will be guessing. Stretch the sheet across an open door. The players behind the sheet appear one by one in a numbered order and press out their noses outside the hole. The rest of the players have to guess whose nose was that. This is a silly yet very hilarious Christmas game.
I hope you’ll like these games and have lots of fun with your loved ones playing them. I am also sharing lots of Printable Christmas Games on this website.