Last Updated on May 12, 2022 by Mary
Today I am sharing 25 Free Printable Camping Trip Charades and Pictionary Cards that you can download and print for your camping adventure. Camping trips are all about connecting with nature and connecting with your family and friends and games are an important feature of camping trips. I have prepared 25 Free printable cards with different camping-related activities and actions mentioned on each card. You can print the cards prior to your camping trip and use these to play a game of Charades or Pictionary.

How to Play Charades
Print and cut these charade cards, fold and put these in a jar or basket. Now divide the players (into two or more teams. One player from each team draws a card at their turn and acts out the word or phrase written on the card without speaking. The other team members guess the word or phrase. The team with the highest score wins. You can also learn 3 ways to play Charades at WikiHow.
How to Play Pictionary
You need a chalkboard and chalk or a drawing board with lots of blank sheets and something to draw with. Divide the players into two teams. Cut the Pictionary clue cards and place them in a jar or basket. One player from each team draws a card at their turn and tries to make a drawing on the board that the other members of their team will try to guess. A timer should be set to 1 minute so they have to explain the word or phrase given on the Pictionary clue card to their teammates within that time limit. On each correct guess, the team scores 1 point. In the end, the team with the most correct guesses wins.
25 Free Printable Camping Trip Charades and Pictionary Cards

Here are the two sheets with phrases related to a camping trip. There are 25 Free Printable Charade and Pictionary Cards that you can use to play both games. Just click on each thumbnail image one by one and save the larger high-resolution image as that will open up.
You can easily print these cards by using a printer at your home and you can also get these printed from a print shop.