8 Free Printable Cipher and Code Sheets for DIY Escape Rooms

Last Updated on March 14, 2025 by Mary

Escape rooms are very popular but visiting a real escape room is usually very expensive so setting your own DIY escape room is a fun and cheaper option. Today I am sharing 8 Free Printable Cipher and Code Sheets for DIY Escape Rooms. You can use these code sheets to write your own message or if you are using online encoders to type your messages, you can still use these sheets for your players so they can decipher the message that you have written for your escape room. I am sharing a Caesar cipher wheel printable and 7 more fun secret coding sheets that will add fun to your Escape room project.

8 Free Printable Cipher and Code Sheets for DIY Escape Room

Free Printable Caesar Cipher Wheel

Free Printable Caesar Cipher Wheel

Caesar Cipher is an old, easy, and very popular encryption technique. In this technique, each letter of the alphabet is replaced by a letter with a fixed number of positions down the alphabet. For example, with a right shift to 4 A will become E. This Caesar Cipher wheel template printable will make the encoding or decoding to any number very easy for you and the players. Click on the thumbnail image and the larger printable sheet will open up. Cut both wheels around the edges and also cut the tiny window that is made with dashed lines. Place the smaller wheel over the larger wheel so the number to which you wanna shift is visible through the window. Now simply look at the corresponding alphabets and note down your message ina note book.

Free printable escape room puzzle 4

Free Printable PigPen Cipher Code Sheet

Free Printable PigPen Cipher Code Sheet

Pigpen is a very simple geometric cipher and it is a popular choice for escape rooms. This is the cipher sheet, and at the top, the words Pigpen and cipher are written in code so you have an idea about using this code in your projects.

Free Printable Knights Templar Cipher Code Sheet for Escape Room

Free Printable Knights Templar Cipher Code Sheet for Escape Room

The Knights Templar Cipher is similar to the Pigpen cipher. The word Cipher is encrypted at the top of the sheet. Use this for your DIY escape room and players will enjoy for sure. Just click on the thumbnail and save the larger printable sheet that opens up.

Polybius Square Cipher Free Printable

Polybius Square Cipher Free Printable

Polybius Square Cipher is a popular choice for DIY escape rooms for kids. I have written the words Polybius Square at the top of this secret code sheet so you can get an idea how this secret code works.

Free Printable Zodiac Alphabet Sheet for Escape Rooms

Free Printable Zodiac Alphabet Sheet for Escape Rooms

If you are making a witch, wizard, magic, or astrology themed Escape room, then this secret code will be a great choice. You will surely need the cheat sheet for this code to decipher any message written in zodiac alphabets.

Morse Code, Free Printable Secret Code Sheet for DIY Escape Room

Morse Code, Free Printable Secret Code Sheet for DIY Escape Room

Morse code is a telecommunication method and alphabets are represented by dots and dashes. Morse code is one of the most popular choices for escape rooms for kids. Just click on the thumbnail and save the larger printable sheet that opens up.

Free Printable Braille Alphabet Sheet

Free Printable Braille Alphabet Sheet

Braille is a form of written language for blind people but it can be a good choice to encode your Escape Room messages. Here is a printable Braille Alphabet sheet.

Alphabet to Binary Code, Free Printable for DIY Escape Rooms

Alphabet to Binary Code, Free Printable for DIY Escape Rooms

This code sheet will help you write your secret message only in binary. Just click on the thumbnail to save the printable sheet.

All these code sheets are for personal use only. Don’t forget to share your feedback and good luck with your escape room.

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