Hi, and welcome to my site MyPartyGames.com.
I am Mary, a mom and a wife and owner and creator of this website as I just love making free printables.
On this site, I will offer free printable party games of all kinds. If you have some nice ideas about games that I can make printables for, please share those with me.

These printable games are only free for personal use and you have to abide by the terms of use. All the printables and the graphics that I use in the printables are original and created by me besides some free for commercial use textures and a few images that are free for public domain use. I have provided links to those graphics that required attribution in the respective posts.
I love making games and also playing games at every party I host. I invented my first game when I was only 8 years old and all my cousins were getting bored I mixed some big golden shower seeds in a bowl full of rice and asked everyone to take a handful of this mixture and then count the seeds. I told them the person who gets bigger number of seeds wins and that game was a hit. We kept playing that game for hours and enjoyed. When I grew up and started making graphics, I knew that sharing the games I make is the way forward.
I make a new printable game almost every day so it will be good for you to keep visiting my website.
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