Last Updated on January 4, 2021 by Mary
Who doesn’t love word games? You can play word games alone and also in the classrooms and at parties. Today I am sharing a Free Printable 4th of July Word Scramble Puzzle with an answer key. I have made this fun word scramble puzzle with worksheets in two different designs. You can print this in the design that you like the most by using a printer at your home. There are 12 USA’s independence day related words that are jumbled. Just unscramble the words and win this game.

How to Play
Print the game in the design of your choice. Distribute the game cards among the players and give them a pen or pencil to write with. Ask the players to unscramble the independence day related words one by one. The person who unscrambles all the words correctly will be the winner.
Free Printable 4th of July Word Scramble Puzzle

This is the worksheet of this printable word scramble puzzle. This puzzle worksheet is decorated with a blue, red and white chevron pattern. There are also headdress and torch of the stature of liberty on this printable worksheet. There are 12 scrambled words that the players will have to unscramble. Click on this thumbnail image and a bigger printable image will open up that you can save.
Independence Day Word Scramble Puzzle Printable

Here is the second design for this puzzle worksheet. This cute game card is decorated with red and blue cupcakes. To save this puzzle just click on the thumbnail and save the bigger image.
4th of July Word Scramble Puzzle Answer Key

This is the answer key to this word scramble puzzle. All 12 scrambled words are unscrambled in this. You can use this key to check the answers given by the players. Click or tap on the thumbnail and save or print the bigger image that will open up.
I have also collected links to some fun word scramble puzzles.
July Fourth Word Scramble from Puzzles to Print
This is an amazing word scramble in which you have to unscramble the words and then use the color coded letters to spell out a new message. The solution is also given.
4th of July Word Scramble by The Purple Pumpkin Blog
This page has a fun word scramble puzzle that you can download in A4 paper size and US letter size.