Last Updated on February 8, 2019 by Mary
Today I have made this Free Printable Battleships Game for Kids but adults can also play this game. This is a fun strategy games and you can play it at your home and also print these to keep the kids busy on long road trips. This is a classic game and I remember that my brother taught it to me when we were kids. We used to draw the grids using hands or a ruler and we really enjoyed this game as we didn’t have many video games back then. This is a fun way to keep your kids off the screens too. I have made the printables in color and also in black and white. You can easily print this game using a printer at your home.

How to Play
This game can be played among two kids. Print two sheets of this game and give one to each kid along with a pen or pencil. The players should place all of the ships on their grid by drawing an outline of each onto the grid according to its size (ex: size 3 = 3 blocks). Ships may not overlap. The players shouldn’t see the ships of another player. Kids should take turns firing upon their enemy by calling out the location on the grid, like B-4, J-3 etc. and mark hit with a cross “X” and miss with a dot “. ” on the enemy’s ship grid. When the enemy fires upon another player that player should say “hit” or “miss”, the player should also then mark his or her ships with an X when they are hit. When a player’s ship is sunk, that player must say, “You sank my ____!” (with the name of his or her ship type). The first person to sink all of their enemy’s ships wins!
Free Printable Battleships Game in Black and White

This is the first free printable sheet that I have created for this fun road trip game for kids. Just click on the thumbnail image of this game and then right click and save the bigger image. I have made this printable in black and white so it is really cost effective to print it. I hope that you and your kids will like this game.
Free Printable Battleships Game

This is another cute free printable that I have made for you. This colorful game printable has a cartoon submarine and grids in blue color. You can print this game by clicking on the thumbnail and saving the bigger image.