Last Updated on July 17, 2024 by Mary
Finish the Phrase is a fun mind-reading game and today I am sharing a Free Printable Finish the Phrase Game for the Retirement Party. The players will try to read the retiree’s mind and try to finish different phrases in the way they think the retiree would.
I have made two free printable sheets for this game and you can print the one in the design you like.

How to Play
Print and distribute the Finish the Phrase game sheets among the players and give one sheet to the retiree. The way the retiree finishes each phrase creates the answer key. Now the players’ goal is to read the retiree’s mind and finish each phrase the way they think she will. Read the completed phrased by the retiree aloud and the person whose answers match theirs the most wins.
Free Printable Finish the Phrase Game for Retirement Party

This is the first printable sheet for this retirement party game. This game card has a chevron background and different words are written on it. Just click on this thumbnail and save the larger printable sheet that opens up.
Finish the Phrase Game for the Retirement Party

This is the second printable sheet for this game. The words given on this game card are the same as they are in the card above but the design is different. This game card has a gold border and a plain white background.