Last Updated on July 21, 2022 by Mary
Today I am sharing Free Printable Halloween Candy Trivia Quiz with Answer Key. Candy is the most essential item around Halloween and this fun trivia quiz will help you check the knowledge of your friends and family about the candy they eat. You can play this fun trivia quiz at your family game night or at your Halloween party. I am sharing the trivia quiz sheet and the answer key on this page. You need to take one printout of the answer key and you need to print the quiz sheets as per the number of players.

How to Play
Print and distribute the game sheets among the guests. There are 13 candy-related multiple choice trivia questions given on this game sheet. Ask the guests to check the correct answer from the choices that are given under each question. Collect the game sheet and check the answers. The person with the most correct answers wins.
Free Printable Halloween Candy Trivia Quiz

Halloween Candy Trivia Quiz Answer Key

Here is the answer key to this fun Candy trivia quiz. All the correct answers are highlighted in red color. You need to print just one copy of this answer key. Alternatively, you can save the answer key to your phone or tablet as you only need it to check the answers that are given by the guests.