Last Updated on March 6, 2024 by Mary
There are mentions of many notable couples in the Bible. Today I am sharing Free Printable Match the Biblical Couple Game with its answer key. You can play this game at your church, at a bridal shower party, and also on Valentine’s day. This game will let you get to know how well the players know the couples that are mentioned in the Holy Bible.
I have made the printables for this game in two different designs. Each printable sheet yields two game cards so you have to print half the sheets as per the number of players like if there are 46 players you can print 23 A4 size sheets to get 46 game cards.

How to Play
Print and distribute the match the Biblical couple game cards among the players. Ask the players to match the names given in both columns to make the right couple. Once the players are done matching, collect the sheets and check the answers. The player with the most correct answers wins.
Free Printable Match the Biblical Couple Game

This is the first printable sheet for this match the biblical couple game. There are two game cards on this printable sheet so you have to cut the printed sheet from the middle to separate them. Just click or tap on this thumbnail image as per the specifications of your device and save the larger printable sheet.
Match the Biblical Couple Game Printable

This is the second set of game cards for this match the Biblical couple game. These game cards are also simple in design with an image of the Holy Bible at the top.
Feel free to print the game in this design if you like it better.
Match the Biblical Couple Game Answer Key

Here is the answer key to this fun Match the Biblical Couple game. You need to keep just one copy of this key so you can check the answers that are given by the players.
Thanks for your kind comment 🙂
I am trying to print out “Match the Biblical Couple Game” free pintables and cannot figure out how to do so.
Could you please give me the instructions on how to print these out?
Thank you! Here you go. This is a PNG image that you can save and print.