Free Printable Nautical Baby Shower Games

Last Updated on September 17, 2018 by Mary

On this page I am sharing 7 Free Printable Nautical Baby Shower Games along with the answer keys. Nautical baby shower is a very popular and gender neutral theme. People have a nautical themed baby shower for the little sailor boy and also for the sailor girl. All the games that I have made can be easily printed using a printer at your home. These nautical baby shower games will add fun to your nautical baby shower party.

Free Printable Nautical Baby Shower Games

What’s in your purse Nautical Baby Shower Game

What's in your purse Nautical Baby Shower Game

This is a free printable for this fun baby shower game. Just click on the thumbnail and a bigger image will open up, right click and save or print that.

How to Play: :Distribute these nautical themed game cards among your Baby Shower Party guests along with a pen or pencil. Ask them to mark the items that they have in their purse. There are certain points for each item mentioned on this game card. Ask them to count their total points and write on the game card. The guest with highest points will be the winner.

Nautical Baby Name Race Game

Free Printable Nautical Baby Name Race Game

This is another free printable nautical baby shower game card. Just click on the thumbnail and a bigger printable image will open up that you can save.

How to Play: Print and distribute the baby name race cards among your nautical baby shower party guests along with a pen or pencil. Ask them to write down girl names starting with each alphabet, if it is a girl baby shower or names of boys if it is a boy baby shower. You can also set the timer to 3 minutes. The guest who writes down a name with each alphabet first, will be the winner.

Message in a Bottle

Free printable wishes for the baby, message in a bottle

These are some adorable nautical themed cards that mom-to-be can keep as keepsake.

How to Use: Distribute the wishes for the baby cards among your guests along with a pen or pencil. Ask them to write down wishes for the baby and their names at the end of the paper. Roll and put these messages in a glass bottle. This will make a memorable gift for the mom-to-be and the baby.

Free Printable Nautical Baby Shower Word Scramble Game

Free Printable Nautical Baby Shower Word Scramble Game

This is a baby shower word scramble card that I have made for nautical baby shower. It has a navy, blue, red and white border and a cute little fish.

How to Play:Print and distribute these baby shower word scramble game cards among your baby shower guests along with a pen or pencil. Ask them to unscramble these baby related words. The person who unscrambles all the words correctly will be the winner. This game can be played on co-ed baby shower.  Click here to download the answer key. 

Free Printable Nautical Baby Shower Gift Bingo

Free Printable Nautical Baby Shower Gift Bingo

This is an adorable nautical baby shower bingo game card.

How to Play: Print the bingo cards according to the number of your nautical baby shower party guests. On party distribute the game cards among the guests along with a pen and pencil and ask them to write down the gifts they think mom-to-be will be receiving that day. As the mom-to-be will start opening the gifts, ask them to mark the name of the gifts they have written if the name matches the gift that mom-to-be has opened. The guest who a complete horizontal, vertical, or diagonal row complete first and shouts the word “BINGO” or “Baby” will be the winner.

Nautical Baby Shower Nursery Rhymes Game

Nautical Baby Shower Nursery Rhymes Game

This is another cute free printable game that will cheer up your nautical baby shower party’s guests.

How to Play: Print and distribute the game cards among the guests. Give them a pen or pencil. Ask them to complete all the nursery rhymes. The person who completes all the nursery rhymes correctly, first will be the winner. Click here to download the answer key for this game.

Free Printable Finish Mommy’s Phrase Game

Free Printable Finish Mommy's Phrase Game

How to Play: Print and distribute these nautical themed game cards among the guests along with a pencil or pen. Also give one card to the mom-to-be. Ask them to complete all the phrases. After all the guests have finished writing, read out the phrases completed by the mom-to-be aloud. The person whose answer matches the mom-to-be’s answers the most will be the winner.

I hope you have liked these nautical baby shower games that I have made. If you want to see some other game or theme on my website please do let me know using the contact form.

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