Last Updated on January 19, 2022 by Mary
On this page, I am sharing Free Printable St. Patrick’s Day Emoji Quiz with Answer Key. St. Patrick’s Day observes the death of St. Patrick. The holiday has evolved into a celebration of Irish culture. So if you want to celebrate your Irish roots or want to celebrate with some Irish friend of yours, you can play these games that I have specifically made for St. Patrick’s Day.
This Emoji game is also a fun way to celebrate this holiday. There are 11 emoji clues for St. Patrick’s Day words or phrases and the players need to guess the word or phrase with the help of these clues.
I have made this Emoji Quiz game in two different designs and I am also including an answer key to this quiz at the end of this page.

How to Play
Print and distribute the game sheets among the players. Tell the players to guess the St. Patrick’s Day word or phrase with the help of the emoji clues. The player with the most correct answers wins.
Free Printable St. Patrick’s Day Emoji Quiz

Here is the first free printable game sheet, for this St. Patrick’s Day Emoji Quiz. Just click or tap on the thumbnail image and the bigger high-resolution PNG image will open up, that you can print.
St. Patrick’s Day Emoji Quiz Free Printable

Here is the second free printable game sheet for this emoji quiz. The quiz and clues are the same but the design of this worksheet is different.
St. Patrick’s Day Emoji Quiz with Answer Key

Here is the answer key to this fun Emoji quiz. Just click on the thumbnail and save or print the bigger image.