Last Updated on March 22, 2023 by Mary
The price is right is a fun contemporary party game. The players have to guess the prices of different items and it shows how aware a person is about the latest prices. I am sharing a Free Printable The Price is Right Graduation Game on this page in two designs. You can print this game by using a color printer. This game can be played by a small or big group and you can print the game cards according to the number of players.

How to Play
Prior to the game night or graduation party, check the latest prices of all the items that are mentioned on the game card and note those down. This way you will prepare your own answer key. You can check these prices either by visiting an online store or can visit a store and check the prices in person.
At game time, print and distribute the game cards among the players. Ask the player to guess the prices of the items. The person whose total is closest to the actual amount wins.
Free Printable The Price is Right Graduation Game

You can just click or tap on this thumbnail image, as per the specifications of your device and save the larger printable sheet.
The Price is Right Graduation Game Free Printable

This is the second design for this price is right graduation party game. The items that are listed on this game card are the same as in the card above but the design is different. This game card has a maroon graduation cap and a gold border.