Last Updated on January 3, 2020 by Mary
Today I am sharing 3 Free Printable Winter Word Scramble Puzzles sheets and also the answer key. You can print the worksheets using any color printer. You can play this game at winter parties, at home with kids and also at schools. All three sheets are decorated with adorable winter-related designs.

How to Play
Print the worksheet in the design of your choice. Print copies according to the number of the players. Distribute the copies among them along with a pen or pencil. Ask the players to unscramble the words. You can put a timer too, otherwise, the person who unscrambles all the words correctly first will be the winner.
Free Printable Winter Word Scramble Puzzle with Hats and Scarves Design

This is the first worksheet that I have made for this free printable word scramble puzzle. There are 15 words to unscramble. The beautiful worksheet is decorated with a design of hats, scarves and mitts.
Free Printable Winter Word Scramble Game

This is another design for this Free Printable Winter Word Scramble Game. Just click on this thumbnail and a bigger printable image will open up, right-click and save that image.
Winter Word Scramble Printable

This is the last worksheet for this winter word scramble puzzle. It has the same words but a different design.
Winter Word Scramble Answer Key

Here is the answer key to this winter word scramble puzzle. You would only need just one copy of this solution so you could check the answers given by the players.
Now I am sharing links to some more interesting and fun word scramble puzzles that I have collected from the internet. People have made these worksheets with great effort and I hope that you’d enjoy those as much as you enjoy games by my party games.
Winter Word Scrambles with different Difficulty Levels
A webpage that is full of word scramble puzzles of different difficulty levels. You can choose to print the one that suits the age of the players more.
Simple Word Scramble Worksheet with Answer Key
On this page, they are offering a free winter word scramble worksheet and it’s answer key.
Free Printable Worksheet by
Just log in through Facebook or Google is needed and you can acquire beautiful winter scramble worksheets.