Last Updated on August 1, 2024 by Mary
Halloween is an ancient Celtic festival of Samhain and it is celebrated around the world in different ways. Today I am sharing a Halloween Traditions Around the World Trivia Quiz with its answer key on this page. This is a free printable quiz that you can print using a color printer. I have made the printable sheets in two different designs so you can also print one with a black and white printer without losing quality.
There are different traditions associated with Halloween in different countries and in this quiz, the players have to guess the country that follows the mentioned tradition. There are 12 tradition related trivia questions in this quiz.

How to Play
Print the Halloween traditions around the world quiz sheets and distribute them among the players. Ask the players to guess the country based on each tradition. Then collect the sheets and check the answers. The player with the most correct answers wins.
Halloween Traditions Around the World Quiz {Free Printable}

This is the first printable sheet for this Halloween traditions quiz. This game card has a striped background. You need a color printer to print this game card.
Free Printable Halloween Traditions Around the World Trivia Quiz

This is the second design for this quiz game. You can print this game sheet with a black and white printer as well. The questions given on this game sheet are the same as they are in the sheet above but the design is different.
Halloween Traditions Around the World Quiz Answer Key

This is the answer key to this Halloween quiz. The names of all the countries where the tradition belongs are written below each question. You need to print one copy of this quiz so you can check the answers given by the players.