Last Updated on July 3, 2020 by Mary
Here is Pin the nose on Rudolph, Free Printable Christmas Game. You can play this game with your whole family. This is a fun game for kids. You can also play this game at an office party. You need one printable of Rudolph’s face and printables of noses according to the number of participants.

How to Play
Paste the face of Rudolph on a bigger board or on the wall. Cut the noses according to the number of participant and write name of each guest on those. Add rolled up solution tape or some other adhesive on the back of the noses. Now blindfold the guests one by one and ask them to pin the nose at the right spot. The person who places it closest to the right spot will be the winner.
Pin the nose on Rudolph, Free Printable Christmas Game

This is a cute face of Rudolph the red nosed reindeer for this fun and hilarious Christmas party game. Just click on the thumbnail image that I have shared above and then right click and save the bigger image. You can print it on a standard A4 size paper but the bigger the printout the better but you have to take a printout of the noses in equal ratio as well.
Set of Noses for Pin the Nose on Rudolph Game

This is the set of noses for this fun Christmas game. There are 12 noses on this sheet. You can take printout of sheets according to the number of players.
I have also collected links to some other Pin the Nose on Rudolph Christmas game from the internet.
Cute Pin the Nose on Rudolph Printable Game
This is an adorable Free Printable Pin the Nose on Rudolph game by halegrafx for personal use. You can download a zip file that will have two PDF files.
Pin the Nose on Rudolph Game in various sizes
This is another websites that offers this Game in various sizes. You can download the files in large, medium, small and extra small sizes.
Rudolph Game and 6 other Printable Game is a sister site of . Visit this side to get a cute Pin the nose game and 6 more Christmas games. You will also find many more cute Christmas printables on this site.
Pin the Nose on Rudolph by Always Moving Mommy
Another link with another printable for this game.
Please leave a comment if you like this game and all the links collected by us. Don’t forget to pin the thumbnail on Pinterest.